
Flow Designs Australia
A design and manufacture company pioneering the automotive styling lifestyle.
With over 30 years of accumulative knowledge of design, manufacturing, mechanical and automotive experience, Flow Designs strives to bring fresh and innovative ideas to this industry, by exploring new manufacturing processes and recycled materials to become market leaders. Utilising these attributes, Flow Designs have innovated its current product range by manipulating recycled composite thermoplastics into a new revolution in aero styling. We are now widely known and distributed internationally, providing our customers with high-quality products.
In-House Design & Manufacture
As an esteemed Australian design and manufacturing company, we take great pride in the exceptional quality of our Australian produced products. Each item is crafted with meticulous CNC precision and hand-finished using a proprietary process developed by the founders of Flow Designs.
We take pride in the fact that we locally source our raw materials to assure our customers of the highest quality standards.
From Humble Beginnings
The Union
Before Flow Designs started, we were just two passionate car enthusiasts with some unique skill sets.
We were just settling into our careers at the time we met each other. It was through a local car club meet where we became acquainted and soon became inseparable.
People would often find us tinkering around with our cars in whatever space we could find.
Capitalising on Opportunity
We found ourselves in a fortunate position, where we had access to CNC machinery, and it was not long before we combined our knowledge of cars, CAD Designs, CNC Programming and some years of manufacturing experience together to make our first front splitter.
Trial & Error
Our first splitter was less than perfect we must admit, but this only motivated us to refine and redesign another revision. We continued to research various materials and specialized hardware, and finally pieced together a complete consumer’s product.
Chasing the Dream
With the mindset of turning our hobby into a side business, we invested the little money we had recuperated through sales into small tools and equipment. We subleased a corner in a factory where we began to improve on our designs and manufacturing processes. While still committed to our day jobs, many late nights were spent fulfilling orders and growing our product range in the hope that our hobby turned side job would one day become our dream job.
Taking the Plunge
Fast forward a couple of years pouring our passion into countless late nights.
Orders were thriving and production was at capacity. We found ourselves tired, stressed and time poor, struggling to keep up with 2 jobs. It was then that we realized for us to grow, we would have to take the plunge, give up our job security and a stable income to make this dream of hobby turned day job a reality.
Resigning from our day jobs did not prove to be an easy task, but nonetheless, we overcame our emotions and fears taking the plunge into the business you now see as Flow Designs Australia.
Investing our capital into new CNC machines, we achieved all manufacturing process under one roof to assure our customers of the highest of quality standards.
Future Endeavors
With new technologies and newer machinery becoming more accessible, we endeavor to keep innovating with our creative concepts and extensive manufacturing experience. We hope to engineer more composite materials and bring to market a new frontier of an automotive styling lifestyle. We believe with this vision, we can continue to expand globally with limitless opportunities.